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Soak 'n' Roll


PROTECT YOUR BACK                                 - There is no easier way!

Tough and innovative, this makes the soaking of hay EASY! We all know we cannot lift a soaked haynet out of water AND we also know that a soaking container is too heavy to tip over when full.

Not anymore! This great new soaker allows you to roll the 'tank' over easily, in two stages after soaking: Tip to the 1st drainage point for a few seconds, then tip the rest of the way. The effort required is a small fraction of that for a flat bottomed container. The drainage channels drain almost to the last drop. Big enough for large haynets (approx 7kg). Once the haynet has drained for a few minutes it is then liftable.

Approximately 30 minutes soaking is mostly considered appropriate for dust reduction and aiding horses and ponies with COPD. 

For sugar reduction (horses and ponies suffering with laminitis), soaking for 10-12 hours is considered appropriate to reduce the water soluble carbohydrate.

  • Much easier and safer than trying to lift a saturated haynet
  • Lightweight very tough STUBBYTHENE moulding
  • No sharp edges
  • Can be taken to shows etc
  • STUBBS logo for rider confidence!
  • No drain hole to block up

Ultra tough STUBBYTHENE in 6 colours: Red, Blue, Green, Black, White and Pink.  (HS Code: 39269097)

Height 51 cm
Length 71 cm
Width 61 cm
Weight 6.5 kg

* Colours:

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